奖学金 & 金融援助
奖学金 & 金融援助
考虑来伯明翰南方大学? 想知道这对你意味着什么?
我们希望让学生体验到这种高质量的、改变人生的教育. 对于2024-25学年,在申请助学金之前,我们的总价为39,500美元.
在大多数私立大学,你一开始的学费都很高 ——通常超过6.5万美元! ——然后开始积累奖学金,把它纳入范围. 在许多州立机构, you start out with a low per-credit-hour price and then the costs climb as you add program 费用, 临时演员喜欢希腊生活, 还有额外的学期来完成你的学位.
在southern, we embrace transparency so you and your family will have a clearer view of the value of a 澳门新葡京官网 education from the very beginning. 我们仍然会颁发奖学金来表彰你的学术成就. 当你提交FAFSA时,你也会被考虑申请基于需求的援助.
Your college education is the most important investment you can make in your future. 我们的目标是使伯明翰南部的体验尽可能负担得起.
为什么这对我们如此重要? 因为我们知道你在这里学到的东西是无价的, and the value you'll get from a Birmingham-南部 education will pay off in the long run. 这就是为什么澳门新葡京官网被列为“百思买” 菲斯克大学指南 排名前100位的“最有价值的文理学院” 吉普林的《澳门新葡京官网》.
每年就读伯明翰南方学院的费用包括学费, 费用, 住房, 餐厅, 和书籍. 你的总费用可能会根据你的住宿选择和膳食计划而有所不同.
直接成本 2024-25 学费 $23,500 强制性的费用 $1,250 房间 $8,550 餐 $6,200 总计 $39,500 间接成本 运输 $1,722 物料及杂项 $2,603 总计 $4,325 总出勤费用 $43,825
让你更容易管理你的教育费用, 澳门新葡京官网提供无息每月付款选项. 你可以通过我们的网站了解更多 学生会计处.净价计算器
这 在线工具 will help you estimate the amount of aid you may be eligible for and the amount you may be expected to pay. -
的 净价计算器 will help you estimate the amount of aid you may be eligible for and the amount you may be expected to pay. 完成计算器的时间不超过20分钟. 在你开始之前,你需要最近的税单或工资单. You will need to answer some basic questions about your parents' financial situation to learn your Expected 家庭 Contribution (EFC).
It is important to remember that the results from the 净价计算器 are only as reliable as the data you provide, 它的目的是给你一个估计你的净价格和援助资格.
这个计算器是为美国学生设计的.S. 公民和报告数据在美国.S. 美元. 班.S. 市民应参考 国际录取地点.
我们知道,计划支付大学学费可能会令人生畏, 我们是来回答你所有问题的, 是否申请奖学金, 使用你的529计划, 或者制定付款计划. 请不要犹豫与我们联系! 如果你在支付账单或建立付款计划方面有问题, 我们也可以为你方澳门新葡京官网的 学生会计处.
Traci Veyl财政援助主任
所有员工都遵守由 全国学生资助协会(NASFAA). Our goal is to help students achieve their educational potential by providing appropriate financial resources.
Birmingham-南部 is proud to be a participating institution in the 卓越原则 as provided by Executive Order 13607 to ensure that student Veterans, 退伍, 家庭成员也有信息, 支持, 在使用联邦教育福利的同时获得保护.
- Providing students with a personalized information covering the total cost of their education program. 入学前, prospective students may contact the Office of Financial Planning to receive information concerning the cost of the educational program including tuition and 费用, 这笔费用将由联邦教育福利支付, 他们可能有资格获得的经济援助的类型和金额, and other information as man日期d by the 卓越原则 to facilitate comparison of aid packages.
- 为所有军人和退伍军人教育受益人提供教育计划. 的 Office of Financial Planning is committed to informing students of the availability of Federal financial aid and alerting students of their potential eligibility before arranging private student 贷款s or alternative financing programs.
- 为因公缺勤的现役军人和预备役军人提供食宿.
- 指定一个联络点提供学术和财务建议. Birmingham-南部 College is committed to providing all students with sound advisement throughout their student career. 与从澳门新葡京官网学院挑选的个人学术顾问一起, 学位审核专家 学术记录办公室 provides personalized feedback and guidance to students for completing their academic goals.
除了, the institution affirms its commitment to delivering an exceptional educational experience by:
- Refraining from fraudulent and aggressive recruiting techniques and misrepresentations.
- 在招收学生之前确保所有新课程的认证.
- 调整机构退款政策与第四章的规定, 哪个部门负责管理联邦学生经济援助项目.
欲知更多有关卓越原则的资料,请浏览 www.gibill.va.政府.
的 Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008 requires institutions of higher education to develop and enforce a code of conduct that prohibits conflicts of interest for financial aid personnel. 符合这一要求, the Birmingham-南部 College has created the following code of conduct based on the HEOA of 2008.
其他澳门新葡京官网员工, 军官, and agents with responsibilities in respect to education 贷款s also have to comply with this policy.
利益冲突: No employee shall have a conflict of interest with respect to any education 贷款 or
其他的学生 员工有责任提供的经济援助.禁止收入分享安排: 澳门新葡京官网 shall not enter into any revenue-sharing arrangement with any lender or other vendor working with any of
这是 财政援助办事处. 平衡计分卡不收取任何费用或费用其他物质利益 作为向学生推荐贷款人的交换条件.礼品禁令: No 澳门新葡京官网 officer or employee with financial aid responsibilities shall solicit or accept a gift (e.g., 服务的礼物, 运输, 住宿, 或者吃饭, 提供购票, 预付款, or reimbursement) having a monetary value of more than a de minimus amount from a lender, 担保人, 或教育贷款服务商.
禁止的承包安排: No 澳门新葡京官网 officer or employee with financial aid responsibilities shall accept from any lender or lender affiliate any payment or
其他经济利益 作为任何形式的咨询安排的补偿其他合同 向贷款人提供服务.与借款人互动: 平衡记分卡不得自动将特定贷方分配给任何借款人, and shall not refuse to certify or delay certification of any 贷款 based on the lender or guarantee agency selected.
禁止为私人贷款提供资金: 澳门新葡京官网 shall not request or accept from any lender an offer of funds to be used for private education 贷款s in exchange for 澳门新葡京官网 providing the lender with a specified number or volume of federal 贷款s made or in exchange for placement on a preferred lender list.
合作品牌: 澳门新葡京官网禁止任何私人教育贷款机构使用学院的名称, 徽章和标志以及任何文字, 图片, or symbols associated with 澳门新葡京官网 to imply endorsement of private education 贷款s by that lender.
禁止人员协助: 平衡计分卡不得要求或接受任何贷款人的任何电话协助
center 人员配备或财政援助办公室人员配备. 银行, 然而, 是否可以为财政援助管理人员提供专业发展培训, 向借款人提供教育咨询材料, 或者在州或联邦宣布的自然灾害中提供援助.咨询委员会协助: All employees with financial aid responsibilities shall be prohibited from receiving anything of value from a lender or 担保人 in return for service on its advisory board. 报销与该服务有关的合理费用, 然而, 是允许的.
进攻 非法的,非法的根据任何联邦或州法律涉及持有或销售非法毒品, 在接受联邦资助的入学期间, 会导致丧失任何第四章的资格, 他叫格兰特, 贷款, or工作研究 援助. 一项被推翻的判决, 拨出, 或移除不算数, 也不会像青少年那样接受, 除非以成年人的身份受审.
下图说明了不符合FSA资金资格的期限, depending on whether the conviction was for sale or possession and whether the student had previous犯罪 . (A conviction for sale of drugs includes convictions for conspiring to sell drugs.)拥有
进攻 由定罪日期起计1年
日期 的信念2nd
进攻 2年后
日期 的信念不确定时期
犯罪 无限期的无资格期
重新获得资格, a person must successfully complete a drug rehabilitation program recognized by a federal, state or local 政府ernment agency and the program must include at least two unannounced drug tests OR if the conviction was reversed, 从学生的记录中删除或搁置. 如果学生被无限期地拒绝资格, the student can regain eligibility after completing a drug rehabilitation program as described previously or if the conviction is reversed, 拨出, or removed from the student’s record so that fewer than two convictions for sale or three convictions for possession remain on the record. 在这种情况下, the nature and 日期s of the remaining convictions will determine when the student regains eligibility
根据美国教育部的规定,如果一名学生被判吸毒进攻 在接受联邦援助后, 他们必须立即通知奖学金和财政援助办公室.
Be immediately ineligible for further aid and will be required to pay back all aid received after the loss of eligibility.
联邦援助 关于FAFSA的毒品定罪.
如果一个学生被判吸毒进攻 同时申请第四章联邦财政援助, 他们必须报告FAFSA第23项的定罪情况. 如有此要求,请致电1‐800‐433‐3243联系联邦代表. -
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